'Therapy With Hillary'

AP Photo/Peter Morrison

If you want to understand the twisted minds of the Left, you could do worse than watching clips from Morning Joe and The View.

Before you say, "Why should I care what those harridans and crazies think?" you should step back for a minute. This is the same as saying you don't need to understand your opponents in the political arena. 


You do. How do I know that? Barack Obama and Joe Biden have been elected president. Has that affected your life? Has it changed America? 

It may be ugly, but you need to look, lest you not understand the mindset of those who are bent on destroying America. 

Lots of things stand out in these clips--the string of lies, distortions, weird fantasies, and the almost orgiastic way in which these people interact. But the big thing is the first thing.

Therapy with Hillary. How mentally ill do you have to be to find Hillary Clinton therapeutic?

Almost no people outside the AWFLs find Hillary Clinton the least appealing, at least as a personality. She makes Kamala look appealing. She at least has that laugh and is interesting enough to be the butt of jokes. Kamala isn't mean, just incredibly stupid. 

Hillary Clinton is a harridan. She grates on almost everyone. 

A certain type of liberal idolizes her, and you have to crack the code of why that is to understand a core constituency of the Democrat Party. The constituency that, not coincidentally, is conducting the lawfare that is not just aimed at Donald Trump but at all Republicans. 


The people on that panel really do believe that Donald Trump is an existential threat to the country because he is an existential threat to THEM. These people see themselves as on the top of the social pyramid, in a position to run everybody's lives and determine everything from how much electricity you have, how much and what kind of food you eat, and whether you should be allowed outside unless you comply with outrageous medical mandates. 

The protesters may be the most obviously repulsive exemplars of the Left, but the Hillary lovers are the most dangerous by far. 

The insanity of the past eight years or so--the manipulation of the FBI, CIA, the Justice Department, the FBI, the Faucism, the censorship...all of it stems from this demographic. This is the World Economic Forum crowd, the UN and EU lovers, the NGO elite. 

The people who, more often than not, run the world. If you want to know why we have open borders and closed minds running our education system, look at that panel. It is they and their ilk who have engineered this. 

The American people have been trying to reject these people for years--even Leftists hate Hillary and love Bernie Sanders instead. One of the reasons they hate her is that she and her posse manipulated the system to freeze Bernie out. They do it as they pronounce their love for "democracy."


Whatever you think of Donald Trump, one thing you can be certain of is that he will do none of the things these people claim. 

How do we know? HE WAS PRESIDENT FOR FOUR YEARS. If he would or could do any of these ridiculous things we would have seen that. 

Instead, he fed fast food to basketball players and brought peace to the Middle East. No wars, no chaos, not even an attempt to investigate and jail Hillary, who spilled classified documents all over the internet. 

Mishandling classified documents, you say? For God's sake, she pushed them through a server open to the internet, and we know the server was hacked. We know it. She had her maid print them out!

These are the people who know the rules don't apply to them because they make up the rules as they go along. They are tyrants. 

Therapy with Hillary. If you are dumb enough to find Hillary therapeutic you belong in a mental institution, not helping to run the world. 

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